Summertime Laser Hair Removal: Yay or Nay?

When getting laser hair removal you must avoid excessive sun exposure on the area for 2 weeks before and after your appointment. That can make it tricky to get laser hair removal in the summer months! However, it is completely safe if the proper precautions are taken. At Naked Perfection Spa in Downtown Brooklyn, we have been helping clients achieve their smooth skin dreams all summer, with beautiful results.

Certain areas of the body are also easier to get lasered during the summer months. For instance, Underarm laser hair removal is popular because it is a part of the body that is rarely exposed to direct sunlight. Other parts of the body that do get routine sun exposure in summer, like your legs, arms, or face, require more precautions to prevent an adverse reaction.

It also depends on your individual lifestyle. For instance, if you enjoy frequent beach trips in the summer, Brazilian or Bikini Line laser hair removal would require more conscious aftercare than for someone who does not spend much time on the beach in a bathing suit. It is all about how much the lasered area of the body is exposed to sunlight (and heat!). Below you can find our guidelines for laser hair removal, to ensure the best results for you!


  • Shave the area that will be lasered within 48 hours of the appointment (you may leave a small patch to show us the hair thickness). It is ideal for the area to be smooth but not irritated.

  • Avoid activities that will excessively raise the temperature of your body for 48 hours after your appointment, such as taking a hot bath, using a hot sauna, or taking a hot yoga class.

  • Please refrain from the use of retinols and acids on the areas being treated 3-5 days before and after the service date.

  • Allow 1 week between a facial and laser hair removal anywhere on the face or neck.

  • Discontinue wax appointments and tweezing of the areas 2-3 weeks before your laser appointment. The laser targets the root of the hair, which is removed by waxing or tweezing, so it is important to avoid these treatments.

  • Refrain from excessive sun exposure on the areas being treated 2 weeks before AND after lasering. Wear sunscreen and cover the treated skin as much as possible in that time frame.

  • Laser appointments can only be performed 2 weeks after your LAST dose of antibiotics. Please provide written permission from your physician for any other medication you are taking.

  • Wait 2 weeks after getting filler or botox to get laser hair removal in the same area.

  • Schedule a laser hair removal appointment at least 4 weeks after a chemical peel of the same area.

While getting laser hair removal in the sunny summer months does require a bit more care to ensure the best results, the results are certainly worth it. Ditch the razor bumps and ingrown hairs from waxing and embrace the laser lifestyle! Permanently smooth skin is awaiting you at Naked Perfection Spa in Downtown Brooklyn, we hope to have you in soon. Book your laser hair removal appointment or consultation today!